Harold Willey Lee
- profile
President (15 Jul 1953 - 15 Nov 1957)Born:
13 Oct 1907 - Cardston, Alberta, Canada
Married Rachel Low, who served as Mission Mother. She
died in Provo, Utah 18 Feb 1974.
They entered the Mission Field from Provo, Utah where President Lee had been
Head of the French Department at B.Y.U, with their four sons: George, Donald,
Edward (Ted) and Leonard (Who could forget Leonard???)
George was old enough to serve in the Mission Field and served from 17 Jan 1954
until 22 Nov 1954 when he died in Angouleme, France while placing posters for a
Conference. His funeral was held in Paris at the Mission Home, and President & Sister
Lee returned with his body to bury him in Provo.
Donald attended the American High School in Paris, and the other two boys
attended the regular French Elementary Schools.
After their arrival in Paris, a daughter, Linda, was born.
President Lee married Vera (Eardley) Trayner 23 Nov 1974.
He died 4 Mar 1978. |
In Memoriam...
(please help us complete the list.)
Abbott, Ufone Juna - 1992
Allen, Jay Laurn -
Anastasion, Andre K. -
Anastasion, Marie Willoughby -
Barlow, Helen Ruth - 1969
Bryner, Jerald Bitner - 1965
Brown, Edwin Garth - 2004
Butler, Albert Bay -
Chard, Gary Ray - 1964
Cranney, Adelbert Garr, Jr. - 1995
Mary Estella Olsen - 2006
Davies, Dale H. -
Douglas, Wayne Owens - 2002
Harry, Joseph Davies, Jr. - 1963
Jordan, Daniel Ben - 1987
Kilpatrick, David R. - 2002
Lee, Harold George - 1954
Lee, Harold Willey - 1978
Lee, Rachel Low - 1974
Matthews, Elmo Glenn - 1983
Melville, Samuel Gardner - 1989
Neu, Otto - 1998
Owens, Hal B. - 2008?
Peck, Lanel Grant (Thomas) - 2002
Poudras, Paulette O. - 2004
Tucker, William Preston - 1967
Wakeham, Jerry Bruce - |