French Mission - Lee Group
Harold W. Lee (Rachel) 1953-1957

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Dear Tom,

Thanks for being so faithful in sending out notices of the Lee group's reunions. Every year I have the best of intentions of sending you an email. This year, your notice just reached us, obviously too late to reach you before the conference.

We are serving our second mission and are now in the Brussels Belgium/Netherlands Mission. We arrived here on Jan. 1----a wonderful way to start a new year. We have been assigned to Dunkerque, France. We will be here until December of 2006.  Our first mission as a couple was to the West Indies and was also partially French speaking. ( a lot of Creole and other languages too) We returned about a year and a half ago.

After fifty years, I find myself again teaching the gospel and speaking French full time. It has been wonderful to see the growth of the church here over these past fifty years. It seemed so slow then. Truly the stone cut from the mountain without hands is filling the whole earth! We are laboring in the Lille Stake. In addition to my missionary duties I am also teaching in our little branch primary and am the first counselor in the Primary. It has been a real blessing to me to have this opportunity.

I hope this finds you all well and busy in the Lord's vineyard.

Our mailing address is now:
Elder et Soeur Adams
20 Rue des Pecheurs, #4
59240 Dunkerque, France

With much affection,

Soeur Ann Gwynn Adams